Counting Vermeer


Appendix VI: Using the Thread Marking Tools

This folder contains a small sample of the kind of report documents that can be assembled using the manual thread counting and thread marking software tools.

The two manual thread count reports detail semi-automated counting of Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (L17).

The average (manual) thread counts are (H x V) 14.74 x 15.26 threads/cm and 14.72 x 15.25 threads/cm.

From table 1 in §6.1 of Counting Vermeer, the average computed thread count for Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (L17) is 14.91 x 15.23 threads/cm.

All three H values are within a range of 0.19 threads/cm (i.e. 14.72 to 14.91 threads/cm). For V averages, the range is 0.03 threads/cm.