Counting Vermeer
RKD Studies
RKD Series
RKD website
Counting Vermeer: Using Weave Maps to Study Vermeer's Canvases
Editor’s note — Rick Johnson
Foreword : Counting on the RKD — Chris Stolwijk and Sytske Weidema
Editors: C. Richard Johnson, Jr. and William A. Sethares
1. The Scientific Examination of Works of Art: Its Potentials and Its Limitations
Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr.
2. The Use of X-radiographs in the Study of Paintings
2.1 The history of X-radiographs in the study of paintings
2.2 X-rays and Vermeer
2.3 Forgeries of Vermeer paintings
2.4 Making and interpreting X-radiographs
2.5 X-rays and Vermeer’s painting technique
2.6 Condition, past conservation treatments, interventions and ageing
2.7 Concluding remarks
Petria Noble and Ige Verslype
3. Sixty Years of Thread Counting
3.1 Canvas as a support
3.2 Types of weave
3.3 Thread density
3.4 Properties of the canvas support
3.5 Strip widths
3.6 Cusping
3.7 Secondary cusping
3.8 Commission
3.9 Warp and weft
3.10 Thread count
3.11 Weave matches
3.12 From analog to digital
Michiel Franken
4. Computer-Assisted Manual Thread Marking
4.1 Why semi-automatic?
4.2 Overview
4.3 Looking at X-rays
4.4 Manual thread count
4.5 Preparing the digital image
4.6 Strategies for manual counting
William A. Sethares
5. Automated Creation of Weave Maps
5.1 Building a model
5.2 The Fourier technique
5.3 Parameters of the Fourier spectrum
5.4 The countingVermeer software
William A. Sethares
6. Exploiting Weave Maps
6.1 Weave matches
6.2 Weft snakes
6.3 Cusping
6.4 Former Vermeers
6.5 Concluding remarks
C. Richard Johnson, Jr.
Appendix I: Paintings, reports and X-radiographs
This appendix lists the information on the paintings, presents the X-rays and weavemap reports.
Appendix II: Matches
Weave Match List
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
Match 5
Match 6
Match 7
Match 8
Other appendices
Appendix III: Not Quite Matches
Appendix VI: Using the Thread Marking Tools
Appendix V: Snapshots
Appendix IV: Weave Map Scrolls
Appendix VII: Software
About the authors